多选题 1.00分

Who Built Giza ' s Pyramids(金字塔)?
built them? For years,we did not know for sure. But archeologists(考古学家)recently discovered an ancient
village near the pyramids. Close by,there was also a cemetery(墓地)where pyramid builders were buried.
From studying these places,archeologists can now confirm that the pyramids were not built by slaves or

foreigners.Ordinary Egyptians built them.people were involved in completing the task.The workers had different roles.Some dug up the rock;some
moved it;and some shaped it into blocks.People also worked on different teams,each with its own name.On
a wall in Khufu's Great Pyramid,for example,a group of workers wrote"Friends of Khufu".Teams often
competed to do a job faster.Sarry El-Din,a scientist studying bodies found in the cemetery. The bones show signs of arthritis(关节炎),
which developed from carrying heavy things for a long time.Archeologists have also found many female skele--
tons in the village and cemetery.The damage to their bones is similar to the men'S.Their lives may have
been even tougher:male workers lived to age 40-45,but women to only 30-35.However,workers usually
had enough food,and they also had medical care if they got sick or hurt.building the tomb of their king,"says Egyptian archeologist Zahi Hawass."They were building Egypt. It was
a national project,and everyone was a participant." The pyramids of Giza were built___________.

  • A.of their king
  • B.from taking heavy things
  • C.on different teams
  • D.by foreigners
  • E.of their work
  • F.by ordinary Ebyptians


1 单选题 1.00分
2 单选题 1.00分
  • A. physical
  • B.accidental
  • C.serious
  • D.environmental
3 单选题 1.00分
  • A.selected
  • B.operated
  • C.developed
  • D.discovered
5 单选题 1.00分
  • A.gathered
  • B.watched
  • C.shouted
  • D.walked