单选题 1分

"How does Jerry make you upset?" is a non-therapeutic communication technique because it

  • A.Gives a literal response
  • B.Indicates an external source of the emotion
  • C.Interprets what the client is saying
  • D.Is just another stereotyped comment


1 单选题 1分
  • A."When I get angry, I take her for a walk. "
  • B."I send her to her room alone when she misbehaves. "
  • C."I make her stand in the corner when she doesn't eat her dinner. "
  • D."The other children were no problem; this one is stubborn and whiny.
3 单选题 1分
  • A.Attempt to rationalize and explain her behavior
  • B.Offer a detailed explanation of how her son was injured
  • C.Reveal an overwhelming feeling that her children are worthless
  • D.Ask how she may get permission to visit her son on the pediatric unit
4 单选题 1分
  • A.Learn what behavior is appropriate for a 2-year-old child
  • B.Learn appropriate ways of punishing the child's inappropriate behavior
  • C.Identify the specific ways in which the child's behavior provokes frustration
  • D.Ignore the child's negative, nondestructive behavior and support acceptable behavior
5 单选题 1分
  • A."Who said you did something bad?"
  • B."What do you mean, something bad?"
  • C."Do you think that you did something bad?"
  • D."I'm not sure I would say it was something ba